Raymond Wood Bauer Promenade in City of Linden

RayWoodBauerOwned by the County of Union and operated by the City of Linden, this mixed-use development contains a 350-seat amphitheater, stone chess tables, bench seating, plaza entry, surrounding flower beds, and a two-story, 5,000 square-foot commercial building. A second three-story building, set in the rear of the development, houses a 22,000 square-foot state-of-the-art public library. The entire development is in foot print of the former Linden Theater at 400 North Wood Avenue. The promenade was named after Raymond Wood Bauer, a deceased banker and philanthropist. The promenade and amphitheater was financed/funded in part through the Union County Improvement Authority, the City of Linden, and the State of New Jersey Green Acres program. The County of Union also contributed an additional $250,000 in funding from the Open Space Trust Fund’s “Green the Streets” program.
